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Gripset C-Lite Tile Adhesive

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(AUD) inc GST

Gripset C-Lite is a high performance tile adhesive designed for commercial applications where a wide range of large format tile and stone may be used. White, non-slump and developed with enhanced polymer light weight technology, C-Lite provides outstanding coverage and reduced shrinkage on early age concrete, screeds and renders. Suitable for interior and exterior use on both wall and floor tiling applications.

Gripset C-Lite provides extended open time and meets C2S2TE classifications. Also suitable for use over a range of Gripset waterproofing membranes systems.

SKU: GS-Clite Category:

Gripset C-Lite is a high performance tile adhesive designed for commercial applications where a wide range of large format tile and stone may be used. White, non-slump and developed with enhanced polymer light weight technology, C-Lite provides outstanding coverage and reduced shrinkage on early age concrete, screeds and renders. Suitable for interior and exterior use on both wall and floor tiling applications.

Gripset C-Lite provides extended open time and meets C2S2TE classifications. Also suitable for use over a range of Gripset waterproofing membranes systems.

Tile Adhesives
Tile Adhesives
Off White
15 kg
6-7m² on floors using a 10mm notch trowel
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