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Terms of Trade


  • The WaterStop Shop® will accept goods for return for up to 30 days from the date of purchase. You may choose between a full store credit or a refund – all refunds will incur a 15% re-stocking fee. Any products specifically ordered for a customer will not be accepted for return under any circumstance unless required by law.
  • Please be advised that we base product quantities on the information given to us at the time of sale. We will NOT accept product returns if you over or underestimate your job or do NOT meet the recommended coverage as per manufactures specifications.
  • Advice and information is provided in good faith and to the best of our knowledge of waterproofing and/or drainage systems.
  • Our suppliers expect our customers to have knowledge of best building trade and application practices.
  • The WaterStop Shop® does not accept any liability, real or implied, for failure of any waterproofing products unless such products are explicitly warranteed by The WaterStop Shop® and then only when installation is proven to be carried out in accordance with the Building Code of Australia, the relevant Australian Standards, and all written instructions for the product.

Please keep in mind that waterproofing is a specialised trade and that we are unlikely to be able to teach our customers all the finer points of waterproofing.

If the customer wishes to obtain the services of a professional waterproofing contractor, we will be happy to refer you to an accredited and qualified waterproofing contractor, but The WaterStop Shop® takes no responsibility for the final outcome of the product application – we have no knowledge of your building site and/or building conditions.

Employees of The WaterStop Shop® have a wealth of knowledge about most waterproofing systems, but we are NOT qualified to comment on general building systems and/or methods.

It is the customer’s responsibility to make the final choice of the purchase of product.

Failure to acknowledge terms of trade at point of sale does not void these conditions.

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