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We are Moving

We are moving SML

Our Dalgety Street location has served us well for many years, but we have well outgrown its storage capabilities. With more product lines being added to our range each year and more stock being kept on hand, we needed more space.

Our new location at 8 Park road Oakleigh has a significantly larger warehouse, allowing us to extend our pallet racking several tiers higher. With our newfound storage space, we are planning on bringing many new product lines into stock. We also have a fresh new shopfront with a larger counter to serve more customers efficiently and streamline our customers instore experience.

There are a few dates to take note of regarding the big move….

Thursday 20th

We start moving the majority of our stock out of Dalgety Street. This means that we will have limited stock available.

As for which stock is available? That’s going to come down to if it’s been loaded into a truck for the move, or if it’s still in the warehouse. We will not be able to organise any deliveries.

Friday 21st

We will be closed as majority of the big move will be occurring.

Saturday 22nd

We will be closed to setup our new Park Road location.

Monday 24th

Grand reopening! 8 Park Road Oakleigh opens for trade at 7AM

We look forward to seeing you at our new location from the 24th.

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