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Planiseal 88 (Idrosilex Pronto)

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Planiseal 88 is a one-component osmotic mortar, composed of a cement-based compound, selected graded aggregates and special synthetic resins according to a formula developed in the MAPEI Research & Development Laboratories. When mixed with water, Planiseal 88 becomes a uid mortar that can be applied by trowel, brush or by spray with excellent adhesion to the substrate for complete waterproong, even in the presence of negative pressure. Planiseal 88 is certied to AS/NZS 4020:2018 for use with potable water.


  • Repairing underground masonries subject to water and moisture seepage in situations with negative pressure up to 1 atmosphere.
  • Waterproong basins, reservoirs, concrete or masonry tanks and pipes containing drinking water.
  • Waterproong concrete or masonry tanks containing sewage water.
SKU: MAP-PLANISEAL88-20G Category:

Planiseal 88 is a one-component osmotic mortar, composed of a cement-based compound, selected graded aggregates and special synthetic resins according to a formula developed in the MAPEI Research & Development Laboratories. When mixed with water, Planiseal 88 becomes a uid mortar that can be applied by trowel, brush or by spray with excellent adhesion to the substrate for complete waterproong, even in the presence of negative pressure. Planiseal 88 is certied to AS/NZS 4020:2018 for use with potable water.


  • Repairing underground masonries subject to water and moisture seepage in situations with negative pressure up to 1 atmosphere.
  • Waterproong basins, reservoirs, concrete or masonry tanks and pipes containing drinking water.
  • Waterproong concrete or masonry tanks containing sewage water.
Cementitious Waterproofing
Negative Tanking
Approx. 5-8m2 per 20kg bag
Brush or Trowel
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