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Flood Test Balloon

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The Flood Testing Balloon is the simplest and most effective way to flood test internal and external wet areas, pressure test drainage pipes, or block holes during demolition. Constructed from high-strength rubber, this durable balloon is designed to withstand heavy-duty use. It features a convenient circle hook at the top, allowing for easy attachment of a rope to prevent it from slipping down the drain. Available in multiple sizes, including 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, the Flood Testing Balloon is the ideal tool for ensuring reliable drainage and waterproofing tests.

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SKU: WPS-BalloonFloodTest Category:

The Flood Testing Balloon is the simplest and most effective way to flood test internal and external wet areas, pressure test drainage pipes, or block holes during demolition. Constructed from high-strength rubber, this durable balloon is designed to withstand heavy-duty use. It features a convenient circle hook at the top, allowing for easy attachment of a rope to prevent it from slipping down the drain. Available in multiple sizes, including 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, the Flood Testing Balloon is the ideal tool for ensuring reliable drainage and waterproofing tests.

The Waterstop Shop®
Balcony & Deck Waterproofing, Bathrooms/Showers, Roofs
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