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Waterproofing Product Finder for:

balconies, decks, patios & terraces

Choosing the right waterproofing membrane for outdoor areas isn’t as easy as one would first imagine.

One must first determine whether the membrane will be exposed to UV or topped with something like tiles or a UV stable trafficable coating as well as what the substrate will be, such as fibre cement sheet or concrete.

When in doubt, always use a product with the highest elasticity and UV resistance.

Our suppliers recommend the following products for outdoor areas:

Finally it is vital that a good quality caulking product is chosen as an expansion joint material, and we highly recommend the Soudal range of Hybrid (SMX) polymer products such as Multibond SMX35 / 50 or T-Rex for use under water based membranes or Soudaflex 40FC for use under solvent based membranes.

bathrooms & showers

The most important aspects of choosing an appropriate bathroom waterproofing products for use inside a bathroom and/or shower are elasticity and longevity.

Low VOC content is also very important and it is for this reason that most manufacturers specifically recommend the use of water based products for indoor use.

Our suppliers recommend the following products for use in these critical areas.

ponds, water features, swimming pools & spas

The most important factor for choosing a waterproofing product for use in a permanently immersed environment is ensuring that it doesn’t re-emulsify due to long term exposure to water.

The other factor to note is that when dealing with ponds and/or water features, one must ensure that the waterproofing product used is UV stable if it is left exposed to the elements.

Our suppliers recommend the following products for use in these critical areas.

retaining & basement walls, planter boxes & underground car parks

In terms of waterproofing areas that will be permanently below ground, it is vital to choose a waterproof membrane that will provide adequate, long term protection.

Our suppliers recommend the following products for use in below ground applications:

Most below ground applications must also be protected post waterproofing with a puncture resistant material such as core flute board and it is imperative that adequate drainage is provided to reduce the chance of membrane failure due to high levels of hydrostatic pressure.

It is vital that a good quality caulking product is chosen as an expansion joint material, and we highly recommend the Soudal range of Hybrid (SMX) polymer products such as Multibond SMX35 / 50 or T-Rex for use under water based membranes or Soudaflex 40FC for use under solvent based membranes.

Finally, please note that the above waterproof membrane products (except C-1P) are suitable only for positive waterproofing applications (meaning waterproofing on the external side, where the water is). If you have a problem with penetrating damp due to a failed or non-existent membrane, see our section on Penetrating Damp/Rising Damp.

concrete additives & bonding agents

Most concrete additives can also be used as bonding agents. Put enough concrete additive/bonding agent into a concrete or screed mix, and you’ll end up making it highly water-resistant as well as durable, tough and give it the ability to feather edge in some cases.

Our suppliers recommend the following products as concrete additives/bonding agents:

Supplier Concrete Additive Bonding Agent
Cementaid Everdure Caltite 3CC  
Construction Chemicals Acrybond Acrybond
Gripset Gripset 11Y Gripset 11Y

Please note that not all concrete additives can be used as bonding agents, such as the Cementaid Everdure Caltite and 3CC which make for excellent waterproofing agents.

penetrating damp, rising damp & negative waterproofing

There is a distinct difference between penetrating damp and rising damp, and it is important to identify if the problem is as a result of water ingress through an unprotected wall/floor or as a result of a failed damp course.

In the case of penetrating damp, if at all possible, do the work externally (see our section on retaining walls/basement walls, etc). But if external work is not possible and/or practical, then working from the inside (negative waterproofing) may be the only way to go.

Our suppliers recommend the following products for these two very common issues:

Supplier Penetrating Damp / Negative Waterproofing Rising Damp
Construction Chemicals Epecrete Crystal Sealer Damp Cure Epecrete
Gripset C-1P C-1P

* Negative waterproofing must be done directly on a clean and bare substrate. If there is anything like paint and/or render on the substrate to be treated, then it must first be stripped off prior to application of the waterproofing product.

floor coatings, floor levelling & driveway coatings

When choosing a waterproofing product as a finished flooring surface for your particular job, ensure that you fully understand the specific purpose of the particular product you’ve chosen to work with, as not all flooring products are designed to be used in every situation. So it is important to get the right advice if in doubt.

Our suppliers recommend the following products for the following types of floor work:

Supplier Floor Coatings Floor Levelling Driveway Coatings
Cementaid LB9 Wet Look Slate Sealer Diamite Rokite   LB9 Diamite Rokite
Construction Chemicals Epecrete Level Floor Standard Level Floor Tuff Level Floor V15 Driveway Stain

penetrative sealers & waterproofers

There are many penetrative sealers in the market, both water based and solvent based that purport to prevent water from ingressing through porous substrates. It is however prudent to choose a penetrative sealer that not only works as described but also has excellent longevity.

It is also important to identify that the particular sealer that you have chosen is suitable for the substrate that you want to seal.

Note also that most penetrative sealers will make a substrate water resistant and/or repellent, but they will not make a substrate waterproof, and there are only a handful of actual penetrative waterproofing sealers on the market.

Our suppliers recommend the following penetrative sealers/waterproofers:

Supplier Penetrative Sealer Penetrative Waterproofer
Cementaid Driwal P6 (Solvent)  
Construction Chemicals Sealcote (Water) Natural Sealer (Solvent) Micro Seal (Solvent)  
Duracore   Moisture Proof Densicrete
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